
What Type Of Animals Does Desert Have

On this page is a list of animals that live in the desert, with pictures and facts on each species. We've selected desert animals from all over the world, and considering many of these species are threatened, we've included their conservation condition according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

Desert Animals

Examples of desert animals include invertebrates such as scorpions and camel spiders; reptiles such as the thorny devil, Gila monster and sidewinder rattlesnake; mammals such every bit the fennec play a joke on, meerkat, dromedary and Bactrian camel; and birds such every bit the sandgrouse and lappet-faced vulture.

Desert Animals Pictures

Introduction To Deserts & Animals That Alive In Deserts

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Deserts are regions in which very picayune rain falls. Considering living things need water to survive, deserts are home to relatively few plants and animals (especially when compared to habitats such as rainforests, jungles and oceans).

Although deserts are known for being extremely hot during the day, they can likewise get very cold at night (considering in that location are no clouds to prevent a desert's heat from escaping into space).

With very piffling water, and therefore very piddling food (plants can't grow without water) – not to mention those extreme temperatures, life in the desert isn't easy.

Many animals that live in the desert have special adaptations to assistance them survive in this inhospitable surround.

Desert Animal Adaptations

kit fox
Animals such as the kit play tricks have special adaptations for living in the desert. Photo: Pacific Southwest Region USFWS

Desert animal adaptations include: large ears for dissipating body heat; a light-colored coat to reverberate rut; hairy paws for walking on hot sand; the power either to store water or to survive on very lilliputian water; existence nocturnal; and living in a couch.

Cold Deserts

Not all deserts are hot. Because both the Arctic and Antarctica take very little rain (or snow) they're also considered to be deserts.

These polar regions are known every bit 'cold deserts'. You lot can detect out most the animals that live in cold deserts on these pages: Arctic Animals and Antarctic Animals.

Hot Deserts

The animals in the list beneath all live in 'hot deserts' such as the Sahara Desert and Kalahari Desert in Africa, the Sonoran Desert and Mojave Desert in Northward America, the Corking Victoria Desert in Australia, and the Arabian Desert in the Eye East.

  • You can come across a list of desert plants hither: Desert Plants with Pictures and Facts
  • Detect more than about deserts on this folio: The Desert Biome Facts
  • Explore famous deserts from all around the earth: Deserts Of The World With Facts & Pictures
  • Notice out more almost the deserts of North America: Northward American Deserts

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Desert Animals Listing

A to Z listing of desert animals with pictures and facts nearly each species. Links to farther information are provided for many of the animals.


  • Scientific proper name: Addax nasomaculatus
  • Blazon of animal: Mammal, Even-toed ungulate
  • Where found: Sahara Desert
  • Conservation status: Critically endangered
addax desert antelope
Photo: Haytem93, CC Past-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Eatables, (cropped / resized by

The addax is a critically endangered species of antelope found in the Sahara Desert. The species is also known as both the "white antelope" and the "screwhorn antelope" due to its pale coat and long, screw horns.

The main threat to the addax is poaching. Habitat loss has as well played a office in the species' Critically Endangered condition, with much of the addax'south traditional territory having being converted into farmland.

In that location may be fewer than 90 adult addax left in the wild; mayhap as few every bit 30. This desert creature may shortly exist extinct in the wild.

Antelope Jackrabbit

  • Scientific name: Lepus alleni
  • Type of animal: Mammal, family Leporidae (the rabbit and hare family)
  • Where institute: Sonoran Desert, Arizona & Northern Mexico
  • Conservation status: Least Business

Antelope Jackrabbit

The antelope jackrabbit is a hare institute in deserts and other dry out habitats in the s western United States. It is 1 of the largest North American hares.

The species can exist identified by its large size, very long, pointed ears, white / gray sides, white underparts, buff neck and breast, and black / buff dorsum.

The diet of this herbivorous mammal includes cacti and mesquite leaves. (Mesquite is a small tree that grows in deserts and other dry out habitats.)

Arabian Oryx / White Oryx

  • Scientific name: Oryx leucoryx
  • Type of creature: Mammal, Even-toed ungulate
  • Where establish: Arabian Desert
  • Conservation status: Vulnerable
Arabian Oryx In Desert
Photo: Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Eatables, (cropped / resized by

The Arabian oryx is the smallest of the four antelopes in the genus oryx. It stands 1m tall at the shoulders, and its long, straight horns are well-nigh as tall again, reaching 75 cm in length.

The Arabian oryx became extinct in the wild in the early 1970's. A reintroduction program that began in the 1990'southward saw convict animals being released back into the wild. Today there are around 850 Arabian oryxes living in the wild.

The biggest threat to the species is illegal hunting.

Arabian Sand Gazelle / Reem

  • Scientific proper name: Gazella marica
  • Type of beast: Mammal, Even-toed ungulate
  • Where found: Syrian Desert, Arabian Desert
  • Conservation status: Vulnerable
Arabian Sand Gazelle
Photograph: AhmedAlAwadhi7, CC Past-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized by

The Arabian sand gazelle (also known as a 'reem') is a minor antelope. The ends of its horns curve inwards.

A desert specialist, the Arabian sand gazelle was once found throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Today almost of the population resides in protected areas.

The species is currently rated Vulnerable by the IUCN (the International Wedlock for Conservation of Nature). The main threats to the species are illegal hunting and habitat loss.

Camel Spiders

  • Type of animal: Arachnids, order Solifugae
  • Where found: Syrian Desert

camel spider

Camel spiders are arachnids in the society Solifugae. (An society is a group of related animals.) Camel spiders are also known as air current scorpions, sun spiders and solifuges.

Many camel spiders can be identified by their large, powerful mouth parts. All camel spiders have four pairs of legs and a pair of boosted, leg-like structures called 'predipalps', which are used for sensing and feeding.

Unlike their fellow arachnids the spiders, camel spiders are unable to produce silk, and practice not spin webs.

There are over one,000 species of camel spider. They range in size from a few millimeters to 15 cm (6 in.) in length (including legs). Near camel spiders are desert animals, although some are institute in grasslands and forests.

  • Y'all tin discover out more about camel spiders here: Camel Spider Facts

Deathstalker Scorpion

  • Scientific name: Leiurus quinquestriatus
  • Type of animal: Arachnid, scorpion
  • Where found: Sahara Desert, Arabian Desert
  • Conservation status: due north/a

Deathstalker Scorpion with stinger raised

The deathstalker is i desert animal you probably don't desire to come across. Its venom is among the about powerful of all scorpions. A sting from this fearsome arachnid is extremely painful and potentially fatal.

The deathstalker inhabits desert and scrubland habitat in North Africa and Western Asia. It is effectually 2.36 in / half dozen cm in length, and appears in a diverseness of colors and markings, making information technology hard to identify.

The deathstalker isn't all bad news; its venom tin can be used to locate tumors in the human being body.

  • You lot can find out more well-nigh scorpions here: Scorpion Facts

Desert Iguana

  • Scientific name: Dipsosaurus dorsalis
  • Type of fauna: Reptile, order Squamata
  • Where found: Sonoran Desert, Mojave Desert
  • Conservation status: To the lowest degree Business concern

Desert Iguana

The desert iguana is establish in the southwestern USA and northern Mexico. Information technology is one of the about usually encountered lizards in the deserts in this region.

The species grows to around 24 in. (lx cm) in length including the tail, which is around i ½ times the length of the torso. Its base color is gray / calorie-free chocolate-brown, with darker lines running along its back, and dark rings on its tail.

The desert iguana is active during the twenty-four hours even in high temperatures. If disturbed, it volition quickly retreat into a couch or other shelter.


  • Scientific name: Camelus dromedarius
  • Type of fauna: Mammal, order Artiodactyla (the even-toed ungulates)
  • Where found: Sahara Desert
  • Conservation status: Domestic animate being
Camels Dromedary.
Photo past Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Camels are amid the most famous of all desert animals. These hoofed mammals are a mutual sight in many desert regions, where they were domesticated around 4,000 years ago. Camels are used for transport, food and clothing.

There are 3 camel species: the single-humped dromedary, and the two-humped Bactrian and Wild Bactrian. They make up the genus Camelus.

The dromedary is by far the most abundant camel, representing 94% of all camels. Today it is a domestic animal, nigh often seen in desert regions. Australia has a small feral dromedary population made up of the descendants of animals introduced to the country past humans.

The dromedary has many adaptations for living in the desert. These include bushy eyebrows, double-layered eyelashes, and nostrils that tin can close upward completely, all of which provide protection from sand storms.

The dromedary is able to become long periods of time without drinking. Information technology stores both h2o and energy – in the form of torso fat – in its hump.

Fennec Fox

  • Scientific name: Vulpes zerda
  • Blazon of fauna: Mammal, order Carnivora
  • Where establish: Sahara Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Business
Fennec Fox
Drew Avery, CC Past ii.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized by

The fennec fob is a mammal found in Northward Africa and the Middle E. Information technology is the smallest member of the dog family unit Canidae, with a maximum body length of around 16 in. (41 cm).

The fennec fox is known for its distinctive long ears, which are upwardly to 15 cm (almost 6 in.) in length.

The play tricks'south ears serve a dual purpose: non simply do they provide extra-sensitive hearing (useful for locating prey that is hush-hush), merely they also assistance to keep the fox cool. Blood vessels close to the skin in the ears dissipate trunk estrus into the air.

A thick layer of fur on the fennec fob's paws provide grip and protection from the hot sand.

The fennec fox has a thick, pale orange coat. This keeps the trick warm at night, when temperatures in the Sahara Desert can be surprisingly low, fifty-fifty (occasionally) dropping below 0 °C.

  • Y'all tin can discover out more virtually this fauna here: Fennec Fox Facts

Greater Flamingo

  • Scientific name: Phoenicopterus roseus
  • Type of animal: Bird, family Phoenicopteridae
  • Where plant: Kalahari Desert
  • Conservation status: To the lowest degree Concern
greater flamingo
Greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

The greater flamingo is the largest of the six species of flamingo, and one of only ii found outside of the Americas.

This large, stake pink bird is found in shallow lakes, lagoons and estuaries in Africa, Asia and Europe.

Although not exclusively a desert animal, the greater flamingo does visit shallow lakes and flood plains in desert regions.

Each yr, many thousands of greater flamingos visit the Makgadikgadi Pan of n eastern Republic of botswana in order to brood. The shallow, highly salty waters of the Makgadikgadi Pan are surrounded past the Kalahari Desert.

  • Yous can observe out more near this species here: Greater Flamingo Facts

Gila Monster

  • Scientific proper noun: Heloderma suspectum
  • Blazon of beast: Reptile, order Squamata
  • Where establish: Sonoran Desert
  • Conservation status: Near Threatened
Gila monster
Photo: Josh Olander, CC Past 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized past

The Gila monster is a lizard found in a range of dry habitats throughout the southwestern U.s.a. and Northern Mexico. Information technology is a relatively big, slow-moving cadger. Information technology has rounded, dewdrop-like scales and a blotchy black / orange-pink coloration.

The Gila monster is one of only two venomous lizards constitute in the Americas (the other is the closely related Mexican beaded lizard).

The danger posed by these desert animals is often exaggerated. Although a seize with teeth from a Gila monster is painful, to most salubrious humans it isn't life-threatening.

  • You lot tin can find out more about the Gila monster hither: Gila Monster Facts

Gold Hamster

  • Scientific name: Mesocricetus auratus
  • Type of animal: Mammal, gild Rodentia (rodent)
  • Where found: Syrian Desert
  • Conservation status: Vulnerable
Golden Hamster
Pet hamsters are descended from wild desert animals. Photo: Adamjennison111 at English Wikipedia, CC By-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized by

The golden hamster is a rodent found in the wild in Syria and Turkey (the animal is also known as the Syrian hamster).

Although a pop pet in many parts of the earth, the wild population of aureate hamsters is decreasing, and the species' conservation status is Vulnerable.

Golden hamsters are territorial, and do not tolerate other hamsters in their territories. Hamsters are able to behave large amounts of food in the cheek pouches – useful if they come across more food than they are able to eat in one sitting.


  • Type of beast: Mammal, gild Rodentia (rodent), family Dipodidae
  • Where found: Gobi Desert
Jerboa desert rodent
Photo: Elias Neideck, CC Past-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized by

Jerboas are a group of rodents within the family unit Dipodidae. They are found in deserts and other barren habitats in Northern Africa, Asia and Australia.

Jerboas movement past hopping, in a similar style to kangaroos. They have long, powerful hind legs and curt fore limbs. A long tail helps the jerboa to keep its rest when hopping or standing upright. Some jerboas can hop more than ten times their own torso length!

Jerboas have several adaptations for living in the desert. These include a sandy colored coat that provides camouflage, and a burrowing lifestyle. They are agile either at twilight or at night, thereby avoiding the hottest hours of the solar day.

Kit Fox

  • Scientific proper noun: Vulpes macrotis
  • Blazon of fauna: Mammal, order Carnivora
  • Where found: Sonoran Desert
  • Conservation condition: Least Concern

kit fox with cubs

The kit fox is a small canid (fellow member of the canis familiaris family unit) found in the Southwestern United states and northern Mexico. It inhabits deserts and other dry habitats, such as scrublands and grasslands.

The species is known for its big ears, which provide both first-class hearing and a ways of reducing body heat. Heat is prodigal by blood vessels in the ears.

Another adaptation for life in the desert is dense hair on the soles of the feet. This provides traction on slippery sand, and besides protection from the rut.

Kit foxes rarely beverage. Instead they get virtually of the water they require from their about completely cannibal diet.

A nocturnal, burrowing lifestyle helps them avert the highest desert temperatures.

  • You can find out more than about this desert species on this page: Kit Play tricks Facts

Lappet-Faced Vulture

  • Scientific name: Torgos tracheliotos
  • Type of fauna: Bird, lodge Accipitriformes
  • Where found: Desert areas of Africa and the Center Eastward
  • Conservation status: Endangered
Photo: Yathin sk [CC By-SA 3.0]

The lappet-faced vulture is a large bird of prey found in Africa and the Middle E. It has a bald, pink / red head and a powerful bill, which is almost 4 in. (ten cm) long and 2 in. (5 cm) deep. Its wingspan can reach 8.5 ft. (2.half-dozen m).

Like well-nigh vultures it is primarily a scavenger, although the lappet-faced vulture is also thought to chase alive prey on occasion.

As one of the biggest and strongest vultures, the lappet-faced vulture will forestall other vultures from feeding on carrion information technology has plant. It has also been known to stand up its ground confronting a jackal!

Using its huge bill, the vulture can tear apart fifty-fifty tough skin, tendons and bone. It is a 'living tin-opener', making feces accessible for smaller vultures and other scavengers who tin can't interruption through the tough hides.


  • Scientific name: Suricata suricatta
  • Type of animal: Mammal, social club Carnivora
  • Where establish: Kalahari Desert, Namib Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Concern


The meerkat is a mammal in the mongoose family Herpestidae. It is found in desert and other dry out habitats, including savannah and grassland. It is known for its highly social behavior and distinctive upright opinion.

This characterful desert brute lives in groups that tin incorporate upwards to 50 individuals. The group is active during the mean solar day, and spends the nights in big burrows.

Members of a group volition often groom each other before heading off to forage. Sentries survey the mural for threats, and volition alert the group using different alarm calls depending on the threat.

  • You tin can notice out more about meerkats on this page: Meerkat Facts

Mojave Desert Tortoise

  • Scientific proper name: Gopherus agassizii
  • Type of animal: Reptile, club Testudines
  • Where found: Mojave Desert
  • Conservation status: Critically Endangered

Mojave desert tortoise

As its proper name suggests, the Mojave Desert tortoise is establish in Due north America'south Mojave Desert. Until 2011 information technology had been considered to exist the aforementioned species as the Sonoran desert tortoise, Gopherus morafkai. Prior to then both species had been known every bit the "desert tortoise".

The Mojave Desert tortoise is present to the north and west of the Colorado River in California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. This shy reptile is rarely encountered; it spends up to 95% of the time in burrows, or hidden in stone shelters.

The Mojave Desert tortoise digs its own burrows, and will hide underground during the winter.

A 2020 study, whose results were published in 2021, establish the species to be Critically Endangered. This is due mainly to habitat loss.

  • You tin find out more about the Mojave desert tortoise here: Mojave Desert Tortoise Facts


  • Scientific name: Castor-tailed mulgara: Dasycercus blythi; Crest-tailed mulgara: Dasycercus cristicauda
  • Blazon of animal: Mammal, marsupial
  • Where constitute: Great Sandy Desert
  • Conservation status: Castor-tailed mulgara: Least Concern; Crest-tailed mulgara: Vulnerable
Crest-Tailed Mulgara
Crest-Tailed Mulgara. Photo: Intortuz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Eatables, (cropped / resized by

Mulgaras are rat-sized marsupials institute in desert regions of central Australia.  There are ii species of mulgara: the castor-tailed mulgara and the crest-tailed mulgara. The crest-tailed mulgara has a crest-like ridge of longer hairs on its tail.

Mulgaras are in the aforementioned family, Dasyuridae, as the Tasmanian devil and the quolls.

Both mulgaras are cannibal, feeding mainly on modest reptiles, insects and rodents. They conserve energy by periodically inbound torpor – a state of reduced activity that resembles a 'mini-hibernation'.

These Australian desert animals rarely beverage, and their kidneys are specially adapted to preserve water.

Namib Desert Protrude / Fogstand Protrude

  • Scientific proper name: Stenocara gracilipes
  • Type of animate being: Insect, order Coleoptera (beetles)
  • Where constitute: Namib Desert
  • Conservation status: Unassessed

namib desert beetle

The fogstand beetle is an insect plant in the Namib Desert, a littoral desert in southern Africa.

Using its particularly-adapted wing-cases, the beetle tin can collect minute aerosol of water from the early morning fog. The tiny droplets build up until the water runs down the protrude's back and into its mouth.

This is a useful skill to have in a region that receives only ane.4 cm (0.55 in.) per year!

This desert insect's water collecting abilities haven't gone unnoticed; inventors are working on materials and products that utilize like methods to collect water from the air!


  • Scientific name: Equus hemionus
  • Type of brute: Mammal, gild Perissodactyla (Odd-toed ungulates)
  • Where found: Gobi Desert, other dry habitats in Asia
  • Conservation status: Nearly Threatened (two subspecies are Endangered)
Photo: Gideon Pisanty (Gidip) גדעון פיזנטי, CC BY three.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized past

Also known as the Asiatic wild donkey, the onager is a hoofed mammal in the horse family Equidae. The species is found in Asia, where information technology inhabits deserts (including the Gobi desert) and other dry, open habitats.

The species has four living subspecies: the Mongolian wild ass, Turkmenian kulan, Western farsi onager and Indian wild ass. Each is found in a dissimilar part of Asia. Both the Turkmenian kulan and Persian onager are rated Endangered.

The onager is one of the world'south fastest mammals. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h / 43 mph.

Red-Spotted Toad

  • Scientific proper noun: Anaxyrus punctatus
  • Blazon of animal: Amphibian, order Anura (frogs and toads)
  • Where found: Mojave Desert
  • Conservation condition: Least Concern

Red-Spotted Toad

This pocket-sized toad is found in deserts and other dry out habitats in the southwestern U.s. and northern Mexico. It reaches lengths of around 3 inches (7.6cm), and has pale olive greenish skin marked with black patches and smaller red spots.

The red-spotted toad spends much of its fourth dimension sheltering from the sun in rocky crevices near streams. It is most often seen during periods of rainfall, when information technology emerges from its hiding place.

Roadrunner (Greater)

  • Scientific name: Geococcyx californianus
  • Type of animate being: Bird, family Cuculidae
  • Where institute: Desert regions of the Usa & Mexico
  • Conservation status: Least Business

Greater Roadrunner

The greater roadrunner is one of two species of roadrunner, the other beingness the lesser roadrunner (Geococcyx velox), which is constitute in United mexican states and Primal America. The two roadrunners are the only living members of the genus Geococcyx, which is part of the cuckoo family, Cuculidae.

Although roadrunners tin fly, they only do and then equally a last resort when evading predators – they spend most of the time on the ground, and are excellent runners.

The greater roadrunner can run at speeds of upwards to 26 mph (41.8 km/h) – faster than any other non-flightless bird (even record-breaking sprinter Usain Commodities tin only reach this speed for a few seconds in a race).

Saharan Silverish Ant

  • Scientific proper name: Cataglyphis bombycina
  • Type of animal: Insect, family unit Formicidae (the ant family)
  • Where found: Sahara Desert
  • Conservation status: Unassessed
Saharan silver ants
Photo: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, (cropped / resized by [CC Past-SA 3.0]

The argent appearance of this African desert ant is acquired by tiny hairs on its body; a special adaptation that reflects the hot desert dominicus, preventing the insect from overheating.

The Saharan silverish ant has other adaptations for living in the desert: its long legs proceed its body abroad from the hot sand, and it often walks using but four of its six legs, thereby minimizing the surface area in contact with the sand.

These adaptations are vitally important considering the Saharan silverish ant but emerges from its nest for around ten minutes per mean solar day. The timing is crucial: it has to be hot enough and then that ant-eating lizards are forced to seek shelter.

Sand Cat / Sand Dune Cat

  • Scientific proper name: Felis margarita
  • Blazon of beast: Mammal, order Carnivora, family unit Felidae (the true cat family unit)
  • Where found: Sahara Desert, Arabian Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Concern
Sand Cat
Photo: Ranjith-chemmad, (cropped / resized by / CC Past-SA

The sand cat is a rarely-seen desert true cat found in northern Africa and the Middle East. Information technology is smaller than a domestic true cat, and has pale, sandy-colored pilus, which is often marked with darker spots or stripes.

A layer of thick fur on the sand cat's paws provides protection from the hot desert sand.

The sand cat has big, pointed ears, and is idea to accept hearing that is far more acute than that of a domestic cat.

The sand true cat is ordinarily either nocturnal or crepuscular (active at dawn or sunset). It is only active during the day in the coolest months of the year.

  • You can find out more than almost sand cats on this folio: Sand True cat Facts


  • Blazon of animal: Birds in the family Pteroclidae
  • Where found: Desert regions of Africa & Asia
Namaqua Sandgrouse
Namaqua Sandgrouse. Photograph: Yathin sk, CC Past-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Eatables, (cropped / resized by

Sandgrouses are birds in the family Pteroclidae. Most of the sixteen members of this family are found either in deserts or other dry habitats.

These medium-sized, ground-domicile birds are seed-eaters. Sandgrouses often congregate in large numbers around waterholes so disperse to forage for seeds either alone or in smaller groups.

The Namaqua sandgrouse (pictured higher up) is establish in Southern Africa, including the Kalahari Desert and the Namib Desert.


  • Scientific proper noun: Crotalus cerastes
  • Type of animal: Reptile, guild Squamata
  • Where found: Mojave Desert & other regions of SW United states of america and NW United mexican states
  • Conservation condition: Least Concern

sidewinder rattlesnake

The sidewinder is a species of rattlesnake that inhabits desert regions in California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. It is also found in northern Mexico.

The species' name comes from the way in which it moves; past anchoring its tail and pushing its head forwards, then pulling its tail forwards and repeating the process, it tin can move at high speeds over sand. Although the snake's head points in the direction of travel, its body appears to be moving sideways.

This way of moving is also used by other desert snakes, and is known every bit sidewinding.

The sidewinder is as well known as the horned rattlesnake due to the horn-like scales that project out from above its eyes.

The sidewinder is venomous. Its bite is extremely painful, only rarely life-threatening. The sidewinder'south venom is relatively weak compared to that of most other rattlesnakes.

  • You can detect out more most this species hither: Sidewinder Facts

Southern Marsupial Mole

  • Scientific name: Notoryctes typhlops
  • Type of beast: Mammal, marsupial
  • Where found: Great Victorian Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Business

Marsupial Mole

Convergent evolution occurs when unlike types of animal develop similar characteristics or abilities due to their having the aforementioned type of lifestyle.

The marsupial mole, an Australian desert fauna, is an instance of convergent development. It looks and behaves very much similar a true mole, but as a marsupial is only very distantly related to the animals from which it gets its proper noun.

This rat-sized desert marsupial lives in the hot, dry regions of inner Australia. It lives underground in tunnels, where it hunts earthworms and other invertebrates. The marsupial mole is blind, and probably uses a well-developed sense of smell to find its food.

Tarantula Hawk Wasp

  • Scientific proper name: Pepsis grossa / Pepsis formosa (and other members of genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis)
  • Type of animal: Insect in the family unit Pompilidae (the spider wasp family unit)
  • Where found: Mojave Desert
  • Conservation status: unassessed

Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Tarantula hawk wasps are large wasps of genus Pepsis.

One of the best known species of tarantula hawk wasp is Pepsis grossa. Its sting is said to be the second about painful in the insect world, after that of the infamous bullet emmet.

The tarantula hawk's sting scores pain level 4 – the highest score – on the Schmidt sting hurting index, a calibration for rating insect stings. Although excruciatingly painful, the sting is short-lived and not-fatal to humans.

Pepsis grossa is found in the southern The states and Mexico. Information technology uses its powerful sting to chase tarantula spiders.

The tarantula hawk wasp is the state insect of New Mexico.

Thorny Devil

  • Scientific name: Moloch horridus
  • Blazon of brute: Reptile, gild Squamata
  • Where found: Groovy Victorian Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Business organisation

Thorny Devil

The thorny devil is a pocket-sized lizard found in dry regions throughout most of central and west Commonwealth of australia. Its body and limbs are covered in rows of spines. Behind its head is a 'decoy head'; a fleshy growth with two big horns. This is displayed to deter potential predators.

Tiny grooves in the thorny devils' skin transport water straight to its rima oris. Using this adaptation, the lizard can drink from the dew that forms on its body overnight.

  • You can discover out more about the thorny devil here: Thorny Devil Facts

Water-Holding Frog

  • Scientific name: Cyclorana platycephala
  • Type of animal: Amphibian, order Anura (frogs and toads)
  • Where establish: Neat Victorian Desert
  • Conservation status: Least Concern
Water holding frog
Photo: en:User:Tnarg 12345 [CC By-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized by

The h2o-property frog is a desert amphibian found in the dry central region of Commonwealth of australia.

Although a member of the family Hylidae (the tree frog family unit), the h2o-holding frog lives on the basis.

In fact, the species spends much of its life buried up to 1 meter (iii.28 ft.) underground, wrapped in a cocoon. It only emerges after a period of heavy rain, when it makes its way to a swamp or waterhole in order to breed.

During dry periods the h2o-property frog is able to aestivate. Aestivation is a state similar to hibernation, in which the frog becomes inactive in lodge to conserve free energy.

The water-holding frog is and then-named because it stores water in its bladder when buried. Australian aborigines used to dig the frogs upward every bit a source of water.

Wild Bactrian Camel

  • Scientific name: Camelus ferus
  • Type of fauna: Mammal, Fifty-fifty-toed ungulate
  • Where found: Gobi Desert
  • Conservation status: Critically Endangered
Wild Bactrian Camel
Photo: Dev Paul, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (cropped / resized past

The wild Bactrian camel is a critically endangered desert brute. It is closely related to the Bactrian camel, a domesticated species.

Both Bactrian camels take two humps, but those of the wild Bactrian are smaller. The species is likewise slightly smaller in overall size than its domestic relative.

The wild Bactrian camel is said to be able to tolerate water even saltier than seawater.

Only around 950 wild Bactrian camels remain in the wild. Around 600 live in the Lop Nur Wild Camel National Nature Reserve in China. Around 350 live in the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia. Their numbers are decreasing.

  • Y'all can find out more about the wild Bactrian camel here: Wild Bactrian Camel Facts

Desert Animals For Kids: Conclusion

We hope that you have enjoyed meeting these desert animals. What is your favorite desert species? Accept you seen any of these animals in the wild? Are there any other desert animals yous think should be on this list?

Allow united states know in the comments below; we'd dearest to hear your views!

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