How Do You Call Cartoon Animals Behaving Like Humans
"I am not an animal! Well, okay, I'thousand kind of an animate being. My features are beast-like, I don't wear wearing apparel, and I smell a scrap outdoorsy almost of the fourth dimension. But I have a job, and I talk and stuff besides, so when I say I'm not an animal I recall technically I'm on solid footing."
They're animals who think, talk and act mostly similar homo beings. The Funny Brute has almost all the mannerisms of a human being. Sometimes, merely their appearance distinguishes them from the hairless primates who draw them. Indeed, one of the main incentives in using such characters are that they are more distinctive, and hence easier to draw, as recognizable individuals than ordinary humans. Like the Civilized Creature, they can be anywhere on the Sliding Scale of Animal Communication.
On the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism, these autumn somewhere betwixt the Civilized Animate being and the Beast Homo. Equally there tin can be some confusion betwixt all the anthropomorphism tropes, here's a guideline:
- The Speech-Impaired Animal, Talking Animate being, or Civilized Animal has priorities and motivations that are still that of an brute despite their ability to speak. In other words, imagine your pet knowing English and you should become the idea.
- Funny Animals are bipedal even if their species is non naturally and so, most Funny Animal birds accept Feather Fingers, whether their wings look completely like wings or look (to varying degrees) like arms. Some Funny Animals can shift between using two legs and 4. In nigh situations, they can be replaced past a human being and the plot would be mostly identical. A good example from the Scooby-Doo cartoons: Scooby-Doo is a Speech-Impaired Animate being. Scrappy-Doo, who might equally well be a person in a domestic dog adjust, is a Funny Animal.
- The Beast Homo is less anthropomorphism and more zoomorphism: instead of taking an beast and giving information technology more human traits, y'all take a human and give them more animal traits. Why? Well, this is usually because Beast Man tends to come with Intelligent Gerbil: need to come upwards with an alien or fantastical race? Just take an animal and use it equally inspiration. Inquire yourself this question: Are they considered to be a cat/dog/lizard or are they considered to be a distinct species in their own correct? If the former, then it's probable this trope, if the latter, it'due south likely Beast Human. For a more detailed analysis, refer to the analysis folio.
Practically whatsoever drawing serial from The Golden Historic period of Animation, or video games aimed at children younger than 13 accept at least one such character.
Funny Creature is the technical term used by cartoonists to refer to the genre and characters. Note that the "funny" in the championship isn't literal: Funny Animals can be serious characters too, and an beast who is funny is not necessarily a Funny Animal.
Also note that this is a character trope, significant that the graphic symbol isn't supposed to be a human + brute features In-Universe. For that, see Animorphism or One-half-Human Hybrid.
Frequently overlaps with Brute Superheroes. May live in a World of Funny Animals. May suffer from Carnivore Confusion and Furry Defoliation.
For further tropes pertaining to funny animals, furries and the tropes that appear frequently in their genres, run across Funny Beast Tropes. Compare Intellectual Animal. Closely related to Beast Fable, which is the ancient form of the genre.
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- Elsie the Cow was a popular mascot for Borden-brand dairy products in the 20th century. In at least one of her incarnations, she was speaking, living in a house, and wearing wearing apparel, and her son was riding a bike.
Anime and Manga
- Beastars: The cadre premise of the serial is exploring the idea of a world inhabited past funny animals taken to its logical decision. Near every single globe-edifice decision serves this key concept... except Imaginary Chimeras... but nosotros don't talk nearly those.
- Pokémon
- In the anime, Meowth of the Team Rocket trio taught himself "human talk" and how to stand on his hind legs, all for the dearest of a female Meowth named Meowzie who said that a homo could do more for her than anything he could (equally in, the nutrient, housing and adoration), only to be rejected as now she considers him a freak.
- In The Electric Tale of Pikachu, a story arc centers around the kitten of the very aforementioned Meowzie; she's institute in a Poké Ball the gang purchases (unable to go captured herself, the female parent pops her kitten into an unsold ball to ensure that whoever finds her will requite her a good home). When Squad Rocket, and thus Meowth, come around making trouble, Meowth meets this kitten and instantly sees her female parent in her confront and shining coin. Then she tells him it's creepy how he acts like he's a man. Oh heartbreak.
- Mewtwo seems quite homo-like, only his psychic powers make that easy. In Pokémon Adventures, he actually has Blaine's DNA and is thus a Half-Human Hybrid.
- Princess Tutu's Mr. Cat looks exactly every bit his proper name implies, and occasionally meows and cleans himself with his paws, merely is otherwise a marriage-obsessed ballet instructor. While he is the almost prominent ane and has the most screen time, there are other invitee characters that also fall nether this trope.
- Shirokuma Cafe is pretty much almost this, as well every bit their interactions with humans.
- Inverted with Mr. Shoebill from Episode eight. He does not talk or act anthropomorphosized, but he is still sentient equally the Funny Brute characters and is the editor in chief of a local food magazine.
- Is lampshaded in ane episode where a nameless human (Nicknamed Mr. Necktie) visits from out of town. And is bewildered that animals tin walk and talk and tries to study them. (Despite it's been shown that Funny Animals are everywhere in that universe)
- In the first anime adaptation of Dragon Ball anthropomorphic Funny and Talking Animals are mutual. Oolong (a pig) and Puar (a cat) start off every bit two of Goku'southward close companions, and the Male monarch of the World (it'due south a Fictional Earth) is a dog. With a mustache.
- Usagi-chan de Cue!!: Benten Chou is an irritable little runt who was merged with a dog. Unlike the nekomimi, his animal form has face fur, an elongated snout, and a dog's olfactory organ in addition to canine ears and tail.
Asian Animation
- In Happy Heroes, there are several funny animals throughout the series, such as the anthropomorphic cows on Planet Xing and the dog and cat aliens from Planets Wangcai and Miaomei respectively from Season 7 (though the latter group has multiple moments of Hirsuite Reminder).
Comic Books
- Looney Leo from Astro City is a direct Expy of Tawky Tawny. A Golden Age theatrical cartoon character brought to life by a mad scientist's machine, he'south had a rough fourth dimension of information technology, but seems to be getting by okay these days.
- Biffo the Bear and Big Eggo from The Beano.
- DC Comics' Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Coiffure!, which contained several Continuity Nods to the other Funny Animal comics DC published.
- In Circles, species is purely aesthetic.
- Korky the True cat from The Dandy.
- Marvel's Howard the Duck is pretty grouchy about beingness "trapped in a world he never made!" and is more often than not just trying to go by among us weird hairless apes.
- One of the earliest known funny animal characters would have to be Mr.Jack
created by Jimmy Swinnerton which ran from 1903 - 1935.
- The titular Rupert Conduct from, um, Rupert Bear.
- The titular duo of Sam & Max: Freelance Police. Some characters, like Sal from the video games, also qualify.
- Mr. Tawky Tawny is a very civilized version of this in the original Captain Marvel. His origin has varied over the years, simply he's mostly pretty cheerful about being a humanoid tiger living among humans.
- Superlópez: The Poet Pismire is a humanoid radioactive emmet from El castillo de loonshit (The Sand Castle).
- Mickey the Monkey from The Topper.
Films — Animation
- The chickens in Chicken Run are difficult to categorize—the humans treat them just similar whatever other chickens, but most of them wear at least ane article of article of clothing and the stupidest one is capable of knitting.
- The Slap-up Mouse Detective: Apart from their size and Mouse World, the cast could be replaced past humans and it wouldn't brand any difference at all. Well, except for Toby who is a domestic dog and Felicia who is a true cat.
- Characters such as Groucho Barx, Olivia Ostrich, Schnoz Ali, Zebra, and Dualot in Journey Through the Jungle of Words.
- The cast of Kung Fu Panda. In detail, the characters use their animal attributes in their fighting styles, like Crane's wings or Po's torso fat.
- Disney's Robin Hood (1973) is the story of Robin Hood simply with anthropomorphic animal characters.
- The movie Sing consists of an entire cast of anthropomorphic animals including a koala, a sheep, some pigs, a gorilla, among many others. These animals live in a metropolis, put on shows, and seldom have any furry reminders or fifty-fifty behavioral quirks/gags related to any of their species, save for Ash'south quills (her being a porcupine) existence a slight nuisance to others.
- Spider-Human being: Into the Spider-Verse has Spider-Ham, who, unlike the other Spiders, is an anthropomorphic pig who was pulled from an Alternate Tooniverse. Because of this, he likewise happens to operate on Toon Physics, which he tin weaponize to great effect.
- In Zootopia the basic premise is that human beings never existed and non-homo mammals evolved to develop sapience, bipedal locomotion, opposable thumbs, and the ability to speak, ending upwardly every bit civilized animals with very human-like lifestyles and society just nonetheless drawing much more than heavily on their animalistic traits than is usually seen with this trope.
Films — Live-Activity
- The rabbits in HOP walk on ii legs, article of clothing apparel, live in houses, and can communicate with humans.
- Curiosity Cinematic Universe:
- Deconstructed past Rocket Raccoon. He's a walking, talking raccoon that can stand up on two legs, hold and fire heavy weaponry, pilot spacecraft, so on because he had multiple painful experiments performed on him in the by.
Rocket: I didn't inquire to become made! I didn't ask to be torn autonomously and put dorsum together over and over and turned into some... some piddling monster!
- Played directly with Howard the Duck in his handful of curt appearances.
- Deconstructed past Rocket Raccoon. He's a walking, talking raccoon that can stand up on two legs, hold and fire heavy weaponry, pilot spacecraft, so on because he had multiple painful experiments performed on him in the by.
- Cheese the Dog and Rare Cheese from Takashi Yanase's Anpanman series are dogs that deed similar humans, but aren't fully capable of speaking like the other characters in the series.
- Blackness Dogs has Funny Dogs, Ferrets, Wolverines, Badgers, Polar Bears, Hyenas, Giant Ground Sloths, and it is implied that humans are just another breed of Funny Animal that resemble monkeys.
- Brave Story has quite a large population of these. Of course, they're looked downward upon by some.
- Fairest of All: Animals in full general seem to be capable of voice communication and human-like thought in the setting. Brogan, an otter, is the 1 that appears most but even some ants speak and aid out in return for existence done a favor in the by (along with a jaguar).
- The characters in the Geronimo Stilton series, who are mice but act like humans. The main graphic symbol, for example, runs a newspaper bureau. Interestingly, though the first books seemed to betoken it was a Mouse Globe, taking place largely on a fictional island and with the characters beingness scared of proportionally-sized cats, later books bespeak that it'due south supposed to be "Globe, simply everyone is a mouse", with characters visiting locations like London and Paris.
- Hilda and Richie are two drawing foxes wearing wearing apparel and living in a mansion.
- Katt vs. Dogg is set in a world populated by creature people, and not just cats and dogs (though there are those).
- Koziołek Matołek. Oddly plenty, in the first few illustrations he is patently an ordinary goat like the others, and suddenly becomes anthropomorphic once he goes on his quest.
- The nursery characters living in Reading in the Nursery Crime series include bears, tortoises and hares, with the bears at least living in homo social club (albeit with some prejudice and strict dietary restrictions).
- The Fable of Podkin I-Ear is a fantasy novel about rabbits. Information technology wouldn't require much of a rewrite to make it about hobbits.
- Findus the cat in Pettson and Findus is this, he'due south basically a pocket-size child in a cat's trunk.
- Pride Wars: The Singas are a race of bipedal lions.
- All of the animals characters (With the exception of the Mcduff books) that appear in books made by Rosemary Wells.
- Spectral Shadows has a bunch of these in Serial xi. Going off the Synopsis Page on the Alive Journal site, they're also slated to appear in other serials.
- The world of Alan Dean Foster'southward Spellsinger novels fall nether this trope, with species that lack manipulative appendages (such as most hoofed mammals) falling more nether Civilized Animal instead.
- The main character of The Straggler'south Mask is some kind of a rabbit... dog... thing.
- In Summertime in Orcus, the population of Orcus includes a nation of anthropomorphic birds. There was likewise a nation of anthropomorphic dogs, but they were wiped out past Zultan in the backstory.
- Wicked makes an important distinction betwixt animals, who are your average unintelligent beings, and Animals, who are this.
- The Wild Ones features an unabridged city filled with animals who can talk, wear wearing apparel, run shops, and even be part of a gang. However said city takes place within a much larger man city, and the animals frequently have to worry nearly traps the humans put out and getting captured by brute catchers.
- Later parts in the story The Wind in the Willows similar Toad's auto and Toad Hall.
Live-Action TV
- Adventures in Wonderland 's White Rabbit counted as this. Oddly enough, the March Hare in the same bear witness was more humanoid.
- In the spin-off to Kabouter Plop called Plop & de Peppers all 3 of the animal friends that is with Plop announced this mode.
- The Magicians (2016): Fillory has many, of every common species. Apparently many of them also have relationships with human Fillorians.
- With the exception of vocalist Ranko, every BUTAOTOME fellow member has an anthropomorphic animal persona: Paprika is a cat, Comp is a polar conduct and Ranko no I is a pink rabbit.
- Kids Praise: Charity Churchmouse is simultaneously a mouse and a gospel singer. She lampshades this at i betoken:
Psalty: My domestic dog is flying the aeroplane?!
Charity: I'thousand a mouse. What's the difference?
- Risky Rat, the become-to villain for the series, besides appears to be this. In his visual appearances, he's covered in fur and has a tail.
Mythology and Religion
- Older Than Dirt: The Ancient Egyptians obviously liked funny animals. The story of The Mouse Every bit Vizier features talking animals who have a very human political arrangement, and several papyri depict animals such as mice, cats, hyenas, antelope, crocodiles, donkeys, monkeys, and lions playing board games, using weapons, drinking out of goblets, and playing musical instruments. Except for standing on their hind legs, they aren't anthropomorphic at all. And they completely ignore natural predator-prey relationships. They even herd livestock and ride chariots pulled by normal animals.
- A fancy Sumerian lyre, dated to c. 2600 BCE, features inlay scenes that depict funny animals. A bear, jackal, and donkey play music, while a panthera leo and an antelope serve beverages. Except for standing on their hind legs and having hands, they look like normal animals.
- In Constabulary Force, most everyone is a Funny Animal, wearing little to no wear and exhibiting natural body proportions.
- Interstitial Actual Play has the political party visit a Sonic the Hedgehog world and thus change form accordingly. Marche becomes a Cockatiel, Edith becomes a mouse, and Criss Angel becomes a bat. Subverted with Roxanne, who is already an anthropomorphic dog-person. She becomes human.
Print Media
- The Onion published an excellent article based on this trope in the editorial department, titled "Finish Anthropomorphizing Me"
, written by Gerald the Dog.
Professional Wrestling
- The Estonian Thunderfrog. He's a wrestling frog!
Puppet Shows
- Kermit (and other frogs), Piggy (and other pigs), Fozzie, Rowlf, and assorted other characters on The Muppet Show. (Scooter, Bunsen, the band and the Whatnots are probably meant to be humanish, Statler, Waldorf and the Swedish Chef are definitely Muppet humans, and Gonzo is ... whatsoever.)
- Le Bébête Evidence, a puppet bear witness that satirized French politics of The '80s with a number of puppets being inspired past characters from The Muppet Evidence.
- Topo Gigio is an Italian franchise very popular in the Latin World about a funny mouse who uses different kind of clothes (including pajamas and a sleeping hat), lives in a house with proportionally made piece of furniture and fifty-fifty has a miniature pet cat.
Tabletop Games
- In Wanderhome, the player characters and the NPC "kith" are brute-folk, who are depicted in the artwork every bit bipedal, capable of manual manipulation, and of human intelligence. Insects and other bugs stand up in as the Fantastic Fauna Counterpart.
- This
◊ Dungeons & Dragons features an unusual example where the Funny Animate being is just a normal animal who acts like a human in a world of humans. Bearington had maxed out his disguise skill to successfully make himself appear homo, and his bluff skill to let him fake speaking English language by growling and gesturing. He afterwards hired a butler and gave him a magic particular that let him speak Bear so he could human action as a translator. Bearington would eventually be knighted past the queen for his heroic deeds. At the post-obit banquet celebrating his knighthood, a random guest was the first and but person to ever brand a loftier enough Perception scroll to meet through the disguise. He was arrested by the castle guards for his outrageous insult against the venerable Sir Bearington.
- Certain characters from GoGo's Crazy Basic are this trope. Case in point: Lucky Rab, an anthropomorphic rabbit.
Video Games
- It'd be easier to listing the few man characters in Animal Crossing equally the sheer number of examples of funny animals in each entry in the series (including Nihon-merely villagers) put together could perchance fill up one-half of this page alone (allow'due south simply say the game's championship is well deserved). The only human(s) in the games are the Histrion Character(southward) and presumably their parents.
- Most of the characters in the Banjo-Kazooie serial are this, including the titular bear and bird, Helm Blubber & Boggy.
- Beyond Good & Evil has these for most of the NPC's: Pig-men, shark-men, walrus-men, etc. Taking pictures of them with the camera names their species in the course of "[Species] Sapien." Across Good & Evil 2, a prequel to Beyond Good and Evil reveals that they were genetically engineered slave labor designed to withstand hostile conflicting environments.
- Brutal: Paws of Fury, a game that came out during the sixteen-bit fighting game boom, has a cast entirely made upwards of funny animals (virtually of them One-half Dressed Drawing Animals)
- Issues!. Well-nigh of the arthropod enemies in the game aren't, though.
- The Mimigas from Cavern Story are rabbit-people. Other than subsisting on flowers (and not wearing pants) they don't act whatever unlike than their human neighbors. (And at least two of them are humans who were magically transformed.)
- Crash Bandicoot, well, to an extent, with Ripper Roo and Tiny Tiger who averts this somewhat.
- In Creepy Castle, a expert part of the cast are bugs similar the hero, Moth.
- Crusader Kings II: Whatever number of Good Bad Bugs involving Glitterhoof and Equus caballus M.D., a pair of horses added as randomly generated characters in the Conclave and Reaper's Due DLCs. By abusing a couple of loopholes in the rules note They both take a "Horse" trait that is supposed to prevent them from being landed or marrying and producing offspring with nominally human characters, just this doesn't stop you from educating children in Equus caballus culture and then landing them, nor Catholic rulers from nominating them as heirs to bishoprics., you can generate entire dynasties of horses that are as playable every bit any other, leading to such utter lunacy equally Empress Rainbow Dash of the (restored) Roman Empire
- In Inherit the Earth the entire bandage is like this, more or less, due to humans being extinct.
- Lugaru and its sequel Overgrowth features a cast full of these, and information technology's heavily implied that the game takes place after the fall of mankind.
- In Odin Sphere, the Pooka are rabbit-folk the size of dwarves that talk and walk like humans. It makes sense seeing as they're actually humans who were cursed into that form.
- In Overcooked!, many of the unlockable chefs are animal people, such as cats and dogs, bears, lizards, and a raccoon in a wheelchair.
- Paladins:
- Pip the Rogue Alchemist is a vulpin, a species of humanoid fennec foxes who hail from a small agronomical village called Brightmarsh. While near vulpines are family-oriented and keep to themselves, Pip is an orphan with a desire to hazard outside his hometown.
- Pepper, a Distaff Counterpart to Pip, added in Battle Pass 3. Pepper comes from an alternate universe, and came into Pips Universe while he was experimenting in his workshop. While she is ostensibly but a very fancy skin for Pip, Pepper has unique character icons on related emotes and on the gameplay HUD, something no other character skin does. Considering of this, the game treats the two as ii separate characters.
- Moji is a leipori, a humanoid rabbit species who are attuned to nature. While the residue of the leipori fled to the forests to avoid getting involved in the war raging beyond the Realm, Moji took it upon herself to summon the nifty nature spirits to defend the world.
- Humorously, she gets really excited almost coming together Pip, complementing his fur and tail.
- Penguin Diner: Penny and the customers are all penguins who wearable article of clothing, and in the sequel besides, chefs are also a matter and they aren't penguins, the penguins have been seen watching Telly, ordering off menus and paying according to their satisfaction.
- Morgana from Persona 5 is a Talking Cat that sits in chairs, picks locks, shows you how to make thief tools like smoke bombs, and learns to be an car mechanic in his spare fourth dimension. In the Mental Earth of the Palace, he also turns into an anthropomorphized class that walks on two legs, fights with swords and slingshots, and wears a bandanna and a Utility Chugalug.
- Several NPCs in Shovel Knight are anthropomorphized versions of such animals like horses, deer, peacocks, goats, roosters, frogs, hedgehogs, and rams. Shovel Knight himself may or may not be an anthropomorphic fish.
- Sly Cooper: Everybody— most are humanoid animals, with some variants equally deemed stylistically appropriate. The Contessa is the greatest difference, beingness a spider-centaur fauna, while Arpeggio the parrot and Sir Raleigh the frog are substantially unmodified animals.
- Sonic the Hedgehog stars diverse Funny Animate being characters who live aslope humans. Sonic's "animal friends" from the classic games are the exception (they're Partially Civilized Animals).
- Tail Concerto, Solatorobo and Fuga: Melodies of Steel are set in a world of floating continents in the heaven, populated by dog-people and cat-people. While they more often than not act like humans, the dogs are prone to chewing on bones and their national pastime seems to be frisbee-catching.
- Toontown Online is an MMORPG based around Funny Animals.
- Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, much like Crash Bandicoot, both of them starring obscure Australian mammals.
- The bulk of monsters in Undertale are anthropomorphized animals similar goats, dogs, cats, fish, etc. Some of them play the trope fully straight while others are basically semi intelligent but all the same act mostly animal.
- Urban Rivals: Most of the cast is human, but all of the Jungo clan falls under this.
- Cuphead: Ribby and Croaks and Porkrind are examples of funny animals. The rest of the animate being bosses are CivilizedAnimals, since their species informs their beliefs and setting.
- Roughly half the playable characters in Rivals of Aether: Zetterburn and Forsburn (lions), Wrastor (Bird People), Absa (goat), Kragg (rhinoceros beetle), Maypul (raccoon), Clairen (panther), Ranno (frog), Mollo (moth), and Pomme and Olympia (mice). Orcane, Etalus, Sylvanos, Eliana, and Hodan are exceptions, being Civilized Animals instead (or an Uplifted Fauna in Sylvanos'southward example). Ori is a Cartoon Creature, and Shovel Knight is... it's unclear.
Visual Novels
- Squeaker in Fleuret Blanc, a canis familiaris who acts exactly like a homo except for the occasional bark. Le Neuvieme even says he is a "perfect French admirer". Nobody except Kant finds this odd.
Web Blitheness
- Chicken and Moose are these, though they also appear to be made of metallic.
- '32 Kick-Up is a Fighting Series that takes place in a world of 1930'south-style funny animals living alongside humans.
- In Alice and the Nightmare, Rougina is served by a pack of fluffy, bipedal, talking and wearing apparel-wearing rabbits.
- Bug Pudding, with its inspiration firmly rooted in The Golden Age of Animation, breathes this trope.
- Caribbean Blue 's chief casts consist of nekomimis, hybrids, and a talking cat. Everyone else is just a generic guy and gal.
- Exercise Makes Perfect 's Funny animals are center stage.
- CHEVALIER is a romantic fantasy adventure that features a cast of Funny Animals.
- In Corgi Quest, anthropomorphic corgis seem to have filled the niche that humans commonly fill.
- Carson the Muskrat from Dork Tower. He doesn't habiliment apparel note except for uniforms at piece of work or costumes at conventions, but otherwise uses computers, gets jobs, drives cars, and functions socially similar anybody else.
- The Dynamite Twins and Friends. Many of the characters, even in the larger KGC Universe as a whole, are animals. About of them have little to no habiliment.
- Most of the bandage in Endtown, created from humans due to a mutating plague.
- In Everyday Heroes, Summer'south classmate is has a moo-cow-similar head and tail. She and her begetter are actually from some other planet, withal no one comments on their appearance. Word of God has it that other alien races fall nether this trope (for example, the "Dogs Of War").
- The Eyeof Ramalach 'southward globe is populated with anthropomorphic animals, almost notably serpants and raccoons.
- Fillbert from Fillbert, a cat, is hired for multiple jobs, and at one point says they don't practice catlike things while updating their resumé.
- The Fuzzy Princess is virtually a bunch of funny animals from a distant kingdom living with humans.
- George the Dragon is a Funny Beast, surrounded by Funny Animals.
- In Harkovast, every grapheme is a talking animal person, with each nation being made upward of a item animate being. The only possible exception is the Nameless, whose species is indeterminate at the moment due to their all covering armour and helmets.
- Horndog: Creator Isaac Chiliad. Baranoff specifically states that Horndog and Hither Wolf are "Funny Aminal" comics.
- The KA Mics Mr. & Mrs. Rockhound cartoons have anthropomorphic dogs in place of humans.
- Knighthood follows Joy's adventures to becoming a knight in the Las Lindas, which is populated with anthropomorphic animals.
- Lackadaisy is near a down-on-its-luck crime gang in Prohibition-era St. Louis. Oh, and they're all anthropomorphic cats.
- The story of Las Lindas follows Mora Linda's ongoing efforts to run a dairy farm. All the characters are anthropomorphic animals ranging from bovines to cats to rabbits.
- Exterior the occasional man, the entire world of Rascals is populared with anthropomorphic animals with a focus on cats and rabbits.
- In Realm of Owls the owl people's advent follows owl anatomy for the most role, just they have some human-like attributes, such equally easily instead of wings. It is also hard to tell genders apart, for the differences are every bit minimal as with most of the real-life owl species.
- Bun-Bun and Percy the Wooly Mammoth from Sluggy Freelance are half-way between this and Talking Animals. Percy even had his own psychiatric business.
- Three Jaguars. The jaguars are too personifications of the artist'due south impulses.
- Tinaofthe South 's world is populated with anthropomorphic animals.
- Tiny Kitten Teeth- There are animals that actually exist as animals, alongside funny animals, normally no distinction between species bated from stature. Don't try to brand logic of it.
- In Urban Underbrush, the two rabbits wearing apparel in vesture and run an explosive concern. The rest of the animals are Talking Animals.
- VG Cats: Leo and Aeris are a pair of anthropomorphic cats. Their families are also anthropomorphic cats.
- When The Whiteboard started, merely the master cast were funny animals, while almost all of the remainder of the cast were no-neck bubbleheaded humans with no distinctive facial features. The artist later experimented with more realistic humans, but then around 2012 went with the entire cast being funny animals, converting fan favorites Larry and Daryl from bubbleheads to squirrels without whatever commentary on the alter In-Universe.
- In Yokoka'south Quest, Yfa'south siblings are nomadic animals who can talk, wear some apparel or accessories, stay in a furnished tent, own and presumably read books, make medicines, and so on. Yfa's family unit are after encountered living in an inn that the parents own and run.
Web Original
- In The Incommunicable Man, Dom Coqui is a four foot tall talking frog.
- In Child Time Storytime, the teddy behave brothers Pink Bear, Red Comport, and Green Bear, and their grandmother Abuela Bear, are depicted equally talking and bipedal.
- A third of the population of Metamor Keep is like this because of an unbreakable curse, though there have been other reasons such as other forms of magic and being bitten a were critter for why they show upwardly. The other ii curses were being made several years younger and unable to age and condign the opposite sexual practice though it'southward the funny animal curse that'due south the most mutual amongst the Keepers due to a mix of the writers' preference and because Virtually of the writers are Adult Cisgendered Males
- In the Paradise setting, humans are randomly, permanently transformed into Funny Animals (and occasionally gender-changed) by causes unknown. A Weirdness Conscience renders these changes Invisible to Normals, who continue to see the Changed as their original homo selves (and genders), leading to a Masquerade on the part of the Changed in lodge to continue from being committed to mental institutions or worse. Eventually the Weirdness Censor comes down, leading to The Unmasqued World.
- "Funny" may be a flake of a misnomer for Ruby Quest and Nan Quest, but they exercise characteristic animals who for all intents and purposes deed as humans.
- CollegeHumor: Deconstructed and Played for Laughs with "Narnia Dogs Tin can't Stand
", where the titular dogs not merely endeavor to stand up only do other human things even though information technology'southward really unnecessary. When the children aren't looking they go right back to doing things similar sniffing each other's butts or licking themselves.
- Plonqmas: Applies to Plonq and all the other characters except for Santa Claus, who is the only human in these stories. They wear clothes, walk upright, swallow human being nutrient, have human jobs, and by and large carry similar humans.
Western Blitheness
- Every character in Alfred J. Kwak, barringa rather beast-like man.
- Alvin and the Chipmunks not only walk on their hind legs like humans do, they're the size of humans every bit well. Averted a bit as of the live action films, shrinking them downwardly to actual size and oft running on all fours similar real chipmunks do.
- All citizens of Elmore in The Astonishing Globe of Gumball are Funny Animals/Food/Objects/Whatevers. Species is reflected in their behavior to various degrees, only all of them live in houses, have jobs, and ship their children to school like humans.
- The bandage of The Angry Beavers. Even the humans in the show are treated every bit such.
- Like Around the World with Willy Fog, Effectually the Globe in eighty Days (Burbank Blitheness) takes place in a world of anthropomorphic animals. Unlike Willy Fog, still, Passepartout is a monkey and Phileas Fogg is a play a trick on.
- Many characters in Bojack Horseman including the eponymous equine. Plenty of humans too though.
- Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers straddles the line betwixt this and Talking Fauna, with a healthy dose of Furry Confusion for good measure. The main cast commonly falls squarely into Funny Animal territory, though at times might slip into Talking Fauna (Chip and Dale more than the others, as they volition sometimes run on all fours like bodily chipmunks. Monterey and Gadget almost never behave like actual mice). About other rodents in the series are also portrayed fairly consistently as Funny Animal. Cats more often than not tread both sides, while dogs and almost everything else tend to be Talking Brute exclusively. Furry Confusion occurs with pretty much everything, peculiarly fish and incidental or background characters.
- Most of the "core" stars of the Classic Disney Shorts - Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, so on. Pluto would be an exception, however; equally Mickey's pet dog, he'south a Nearly Normal Animal.
- Count Duckula. Lampshaded in the Who's on Kickoff? episode:
DUCKULA: You mean human sacrifice?
YUBI: Well, almost human being sacrifice, requite or take a feather.
- Backbone the Cowardly Dog. While everyone acknowledges that Courage is a dog and usually treat him as such, other Funny Animal characters get by with no reference at all to their species. Courage's own characterization as a dog slips sometimes. Frequently the alien/evil entity/villain of the 24-hour interval (who is sometimes also a talking animal) will care for Backbone on the same level as the humans. Often by trying to impale them.
- Brian Griffin of Family Guy usually falls squarely into this category, admitting with occasional Talking Creature moments (particularly in the starting time RUN of the series, where they were more frequent).
- Rex the cockroach from Gawayn seems to be somewhere between this and Civilised Animal
- British children's serial Get Jetters features an anthropomorphic disco-grooving unicorn named Ubercorn as the mentor and leader of the otherwise all-human Get Jetters team.
- Many Hanna-Barbera characters from the 1960s and some later are Funny Creature characters. Including Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Secret Squirrel, Touché Turtle and Dum Dum and so many others.
- Yogi Behave, Peak Cat, Snagglepuss, Wally Gator, and Magilla Gorilla are straddle the line between Funny Animal and Civilized Animal. They wear clothes and tin can communicate with humans in English language, just are otherwise office and are treated as members of their corresponding species. Later on Crossover shows put anybody firmly in the Funny Animal category.
- Harvey Beaks: With the exceptions of Fee and Foo, nigh of the cast is some sort of anthropomorphic creature.
- I Am Not an Animal. The animals were genetically engineered to talk and were raised with celebrity magazines photo-shopped so one-half the people had brute heads. They escaped and didn't realize that animals aren't supposed to talk.
- While 90% of the Jimmy Two-Shoes cast are monsters and demons, this trope is surprisingly common. The ii almost prominent being the Weavils and the Schwartzentiger. Nosotros've also seen pandas, a caprine animal, a rhinoceros, a crab, and an ape.
- On Joe and Jack, Jack is a cat, but walks and behaves but like a boy and in applied terms seems more than similar a brother of Joe of nearly the same age, or maybe a little younger. His character model even looks a lot like Joe, except different coloring, whiskers, cat ears and a tail. Enhancing the resemblance is that Joe wears a full-body costume of an animal all the fourth dimension.
- Let's Go Luna!: Everyone is a funny animal, a celestial body, or a Cartoon Creature. Specifically, Leo, Carmen, and Andy are a wombat, a butterfly, and a frog, respectively.
- Looney Tunes:
- Porky Pig is consistently prove living and working amid humans, with A Corny Concerto even giving Elmer'southward usual function as the one hunting Bugs. Porky is probably similar this because he was created earlier than most other Looney Tunes (who tend to exist Civilized Animals), in an era when Disney had made Funny Animals universal.
- Daffy Duck varies a lot between a Civilized Animal living in the woods or a pond and a Funny Brute living among humans, oftentimes as Porky's neighbor, partner, or like.
- Bugs Bunny straddles the line between Funny Animal and Civilized Animal. He has been moving steadily towards the Funny Animal Camp over the years. In The Looney Tunes Bear witness, he is almost completely a Funny Creature, with a large suburban firm, a Prius, and a good income stream through royalties from his inventions. Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production moves him back to being a Civilized Beast living in a hole in the ground.
- Los Trotamúsicos are a ring of domestic animal musicians. What's more than funny than that?
- My Piffling Pony:
- Ane-off adversary Zeb (a zebra) from My Picayune Pony 'n Friends. Rather jarring given that most of the bandage are too equines, but are not anthropomorphized to the extent Zeb is.
- My Petty Pony Tales: The characters may expect like My Little Pony ponies, only their behaviors and concerns are human. You know you're dealing with a Slice of Life prove about human-like characters when the kids stand around discussing their problems with their parents as they wash the dinner dishes.
- Almost of the characters in Squealer Goat Assistant Cricket are either this or a human, with the exception for Assistant.
- Popeye:
- Popeye encountered one of these in "The Hungry Goat". The brusk overall felt like more of a Tex Avery cartoon than a Popeye cartoon.
- Funny animals are featured prominently in "Popeye The Sailor" and "I Eats My Spinach". Fleischer Studios was known to use these in the Betty Boop cartoons, where the Popeye series branched out of.
- Regular Show:
- This is both played this direct and averted with the main characters. Mordecai the bluejay might as well exist a human, seeing as he doesn't eat similar a bird, fly, or do annihilation else bird-like. Rigby the raccoon, on the other hand, is shown to dig through trash and run on all fours, just otherwise acts almost equally homo-like. Lampshaded in this conversation:
Mordecai: Dude, don't dig in the trash. It's not natural.
Rigby: You're not natural!
- Of annotation is that in the Regular Show universe, everybody who can talk is considered human, and nobody really seems to question information technology.
- This is both played this direct and averted with the main characters. Mordecai the bluejay might as well exist a human, seeing as he doesn't eat similar a bird, fly, or do annihilation else bird-like. Rigby the raccoon, on the other hand, is shown to dig through trash and run on all fours, just otherwise acts almost equally homo-like. Lampshaded in this conversation:
- Many of the characters of Rocko's Modern Life. A few non-animal (nor human being) characters show up from time to time.
- The Shnookums & Meat Funny Cartoon Show: Schnookums and Meat themselves, plus many of the characters on the Pith Possum segments.
- Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat is an odd case. Due to the era it was released in, it features a cast of African-Americans who are drawn to heavily resemble chimpanzees.
- The cast of SpongeBob SquarePants consists by and large of anthropomorphized sea creatures.
- The cast of TaleSpin. Baloo started as a Talking Animal living in the jungles of Bharat and wound up an Anthro flying a plane and living in a city.
- Hamton J. Pig from Tiny Toon Adventures, being based on Porky, is the only brute member of the cast who lives in a completely human business firm, even though it's next to the mud piles of other pigs. Otherwise, the cast tend more toward Funny Animals than the original Looney Tunes, as they nourish school (admitting for an education on beingness a cartoon graphic symbol), frequently use urban facilities like stores, and are shown socializing with each other in a non-hostile context.
- Although some of them dip nearly-ish the Talking Animal end of the spectrum sometimes, the cast of T.U.F.F. Puppy is substantially this. Although they retain some animal like mannerisms (Dudley, a canis familiaris, has a superhuman sense of olfactory property and an unfortunate habit of chewing his ain butt, and his partner Kitty loses all self-control and star whenever she sees a mouse or a ball of string
- The main characters of We Bare Bears, They look similar bears, they walk on four legs sometimes, and they alive in a cave, but they otherwise act human. Near actual humans in the show don't meet anything odd about this. Notable that they are, in fact, recognized as bears since they befriended Chloe afterward she studies them for her college project on bears. They've also been known to act like wild bears under times of stress, such as when Grizz decides they demand to become more than cardinal.
- On Wild Animal Baby Explorers, the characters are basically this, given their speech, use of technology and their full general concerns of exploring and learning. They're Wild Animal Baby Explorers because information technology's wild animals that they're exploring, not they themselves that are wild animals.
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